Tuesday, May 10, 2016

My Story

I want to take some time today to share my transformation story.

Up until now, I've been a bit hesitant to share my story.  I knew it would take a good bit of time to find pictures that documented well where I've been and where I am now, and I'm always a little nervous about coming off the wrong way or not communicating my thoughts in the best possible way.  I can't imagine that anyone is as interested in the details of my story as I am.  ;)  Ha!  But, I'm ALL about the details, so you better believe this post is loaded with them!

That being said, I also recognize the importance of celebrating success, whether it is your own or that of another, and I know that transformation stories can inspire others to make positive changes in their lives.  If my story is inspirational to even just one person, that is truly something special.

Before reading my story, I want you to know that I believe people are beautiful no matter what shape or size they come in!  For me, losing weight and changing my lifestyle was not about being ashamed of my body or solely wanting to look better.  Rather, it was about wanting to improve my health, strengthen my body (especially my core), be a better example for my family, and become the type of person I want to be in this life.

So, with that, I am sharing my story in part for me, so that it is written down somewhere and I can always look back and remember where I've been and what I've gone through.  I'm also sharing my story in hopes that it can inspire others to make even the smallest of changes in their lives to help them on their journey to greater health and happiness.  I believe life is meant to be enjoyed!!

The Highlights

I spent nap time today going through old pictures and just thinking about where I've been and how far I've come.  It's mind boggling to look at some of my old pictures.

From my highest non-pregnancy weight to TODAY, I've lost about 43 POUNDS.

Totally crazy!

And, while the pounds and inches I have lost are impressive...I think what really matters is what I have gained throughout my journey.  I have achieved better holistic health, increased my strength, practically eliminated lower back issues, created an overall better lifestyle, and become a generally happier and healthier person.

But, don't take my word for it!  See for yourself...

These pictures summarize pretty well where I've been and how far I've come.

And now...the details!!  My favorite part.  ;)

How I Gained Weight

Wedding Day, May 2009
When I got married in 2009, I like to think I was a relatively average-sized person.  I am pretty sure I was a size 8 (I wasn't big into tracking weight or measurements back then...but my wedding dress was a size 8) and I honestly didn't think that it was physically possible for me to be anything less than what I was.  I was pretty happy with my body and I thought I looked pretty good. ;)

I can't tell you how much I weighed then because, again, I was never the girl who cared much about what I weighed.  The scale never meant much to me.  If I had to guess, I'd say I was somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 pounds.

Looking back, health and fitness wasn't much of a priority to me, either.  My eating habits weren't great (skipped breakfast, ate twice a day on average, rarely ate fruits and vegetables, and drank very little water) and physical exercise didn't go much beyond walking or biking to and from classes on campus.  Exercise was a hard thing for me...always involving a pretty strong mental battle...one I usually lost.

Graduation Day, May 2010
After I got married, I finished out my last year of undergrad (accounting degree) and then we moved to Virginia, where my husband went to law school while working part-time and I worked crazy hours as an auditor at a public accounting firm.

Law school years are typically lonely for wives, but that was not the case for me!  I was too busy to feel lonely.  I worked too much and I didn't know how to get it under control.

In the beginning, my work hours probably averaged 50-60 hours a week.  As time went on, my hours averaged closer to 70-80 hours per week.  I was a workaholic, and work took over my life.  I loved the work I did and the people I worked with, and I wanted to do my best work.  I wanted to be one of the best employees and I didn't want to let anyone down.  At the same time, I desperately craved more balance in my life.

As you can imagine, my eating and exercise habits became even worse than they were before!!  I was sitting most of the day and eating was a chore.  I was in survival mode.  I didn't have time for breakfast, and I often ate lunch really late.  Dinner was also later in the evening.  I actually prided myself on the fact that I could go so long without food.  Ha!  (In case you are wondering...that's not a good thing...lol).

When I did eat, my portion sizes were HUGE.  I always felt the need to clean my plate...after all, there are starving kids in Africa!!  And I'm not just saying that...this thought really did cross my mind every time I ate.  There was nothing I hated more than feeling like I was wasting food, and most of the food I ate at the time was not good as leftovers.  This is still something that gets me from time to time...but it has helped me to internalize that in these circumstances, excess food is going to waste whether I eat or not...doesn't matter if it gets thrown away in a trash can or if it gets stored as fat on my body...it's waste either way.

On top of eating large portion sizes, we ate out...A LOT.  I didn't have time to cook!  And my hubby didn't either.  If we did cook, it was typically something from a box or a pre-packaged freezer meal.  The only exception was if there was a special occasion - like a holiday dinner or the weekly dinner group we were a part of for a short time.  That was good food!  ;)  And good memories, too.

But I digress...life was busy, and I am sad to say that health and fitness simply were not a priority.  Grocery shopping was put off until the last possible minute, and our food costs were pretty high.  Sleep suffered a lot as well...sometimes I would be up late working, and sometimes my hubby would catch me talking about my job in my sleep!!  My job was all consuming!

May 2011
It didn't take long for all of my poor lifestyle choices to show externally.  The picture to the left was taken during my first year of work.  I think it's pretty obvious that I gained a bit of weight when compared to the previous two pictures shared.

Do you want to know the craziest part of it all though?!

I had no idea I was gaining weight.

Nope, not a clue!

Looking back, I think I was in denial.

Sure, I noticed that my clothes fit more tightly, that I needed larger clothing sizes (size 10 in pants instead of size 8), that my face seemed more round and less oval, and that I didn't look as slender in pictures as I thought I was...but I always attributed it to something besides weight gain.

You know...my clothes must have shrunk in the dryer...or I must have remembered my size wrong...or the camera angle was bad.

Of course, there were those times when my husband and I talked about needing to eat healthier and workout more, because we were aware that we were not living a very healthy lifestyle.  We even took before pictures a few times (like the previous picture shared) and made feeble, short-lived attempts to change our lifestyle...like making New Year's resolutions to go to the gym and buying workout programs like Wii Fit, Zumba, and DDR to do...but, in the end, those attempts were more about trying to be more fit for health reasons than they were about trying to lose weight...the reality is that I just didn't realize where I was physically.

Ignorance is bliss, right?!

October 2011
But then, several months after that last picture was taken, we went to my sister's wedding and someone who hadn't seen me in awhile asked if I was pregnant.

Say what?!?

It shocked me into awareness, and I have to say a was a bit embarrassed.

Did I look like I was pregnant?

Had I gained that much weight?

How did this happen?!

I began looking at pictures more closely and at least thinking about how much I weighed.  I averaged around 165-170 pounds at the time, with my highest point being around 178 pounds (before pregnancy).  That alone didn't mean much to me, though, because I had no idea what I even should weigh.

So I reached out to Google! ;)  A Google search estimated my target weight should be somewhere in the neighborhood of 145 pounds based on my height and gender.  My first thought was, again, denial.  No way could I be 20+ pounds overweight!

Google had to have it wrong, right?!


And it took me awhile to accept that.

I wish I could say I made changes right away...but I didn't.  While I was now AWARE that I was overweight, I didn't feel I had much time to do anything about it. I was still working SO many hours.

And so, I continued to live somewhat in denial, albeit with a greater sense of awareness.  I did *try* to make changes now and then.  I tried to go running with a friend once...but that was awful and I thought I was going to die.  Ha!  Running has never been my thing.  Maybe someday.

In the end, it just wasn't a priority to me to make the time.  Sure, I wasn't as comfortable in my body as I once was...but that wasn't enough.  I was interested in change, but not committed to change...and I simply didn't have a WHY powerful enough to drive me towards my goal.

Starting to Change My Diet

Somewhere along the way, I started to talk to my mom about HOW to eat healthier.  I didn't realize how clueless I was about healthy eating until my mom started to teach me the things she had learned.  I learned what a carb, a protein, and a healthy fat are.  I learned more about portion sizes and being aware of what's in the food I'm eating by reading ingredient labels.  I learned about the importance of drinking water and about how much I should be drinking every day (there were days when I didn't drink ANY water at the time...).  I learned SO many things that seem so basic now but truly seemed complex and difficult back then.

In June 2012, I joined a Lose to Win Challenge with my mom, hosted by Connie Lancaster.  It cost $25 to participate, but participants had the opportunity to win the pool of money as part of the challenge.  I did the challenge again in July, but quit after that because I wasn't committed enough to the group to justify the cost.  I got back on the Lose to Win bandwagon in December 2012 and January 2013, but then again wasn't committed enough to justify the cost.  Lose to Win was a great way to learn and practice healthy living, and very well setup.  The problem was with me and my level of commitment.  My mom is evidence of that, as she lost a lot of weight doing it.  If I were to do that challenge now, I like to think the end result would be different. ;)

Learning more about how to eat healthy and participating in these challenges were small things I did...baby steps.  It wasn't much, but it was something!  It was a start.  I was putting forth at least some EFFORT to make positive changes in my life and take action.

May 2013
That being said, my weight was about the same a year later, in May 2013, when my husband graduated from law school.  I was still around 165 pounds.  At that time, we moved to Texas for my husband's job.  I continued to work for the same public accounting firm, but remotely, and my work hours became more manageable.  

Then, shortly after we moved, I learned I was pregnant!  It was very exciting and perfect timing for us.  My first appointment was in mid-June (8 weeks), and that is one weight I can tell you for sure because it's in my medical records.  ;)  I was 166 pounds and 6 ounces.

Once we moved to Texas, my work hours became a lot more reasonable, and I had a greater why to eat better...I wanted to grow a healthy baby!  It was still a slow process though.  I don't know that I made a ton of changes besides being ever more aware and watching my portion sizes closer.  My weight didn't really start to go up with my pregnancy until mid-October.  My pregnancy weight at my last appointment in January 2014 was 183 pounds.

Trying to Be More Active

I don't know exactly what my weight was after I had my baby, but about 5 months after having him, in May 2014, I was at 162 pounds...so about where I was before getting pregnant.  At that time, I decided to join in a Bikini Body Mommy (BBM) challenge with a friend.  I HATED working out, but knew I needed to try something and thought maybe it would be easier with a friend for support and accountability.

These were my "before" stats for that challenge:

  • Weight: 162 lbs.
  • Chest: 38"
  • Small of Waist: 32.5"
  • Waist at Belly Button: 37"
  • Hips (Narrowest): 40"
  • Hips (Widest): 43.5"
  • Thighs (6" Up from Top of Knee Cap): L-20" R-19.5"
  • Upper Arm (4" Up from Crease of Elbow): L-11" R-11.5"

I didn't end up making it through the full 90-day challenge...I think I made it maybe one month but missed some days along the way.  My weight didn't change much, but I did lose some inches.

These were my "after" stats...meaning the last stats I recorded before I quit doing the challenge. ;)

  • Weight: 161.8 lbs
  • Chest: 37" (-1")
  • Small of Waist: 33" (+0.5")
  • Waist at Belly Button: 36" (-1")
  • Hips (Narrowest): 37" (-3")
  • Hips (Widest): 43" (-0.5")
  • Thighs (6" Up from Top of Knee Cap): L-19.5" (-0.5") R-19.5" (same)
  • Upper Arm (4" Up from Crease of Elbow): L-11" (same) R-11.5" (same)

I attempted to do BBM challenges a couple other times, but didn't last long enough to really even make it worth mentioning.  Ha!

Working out has never been something that has been "fun" for me...more of a chore actually.  It was just so hard!!  Sure, I always wanted to be more active...but I also didn't want to hate it!!  I loved Bikini Body Mommy and I especially loved that her workouts were short, but I often had a hard time motivating myself to get started, especially if the workout for the day was one I really didn't like doing (BBM does 2 workouts each week, alternating days, with new workouts every week - so if I didn't like one of the workouts she did, it was that much harder to do it the 2nd and 3rd time later in the week).  Sometimes it would take me longer to push play on the 15-20 minute workouts than it actually took to do the workout!!  And, once again, I sort of gave up on trying to be active.  

Getting Into Clean Eating

At the end of 2014, I started to develop an interest in clean eating.  This is amusing only because of my reaction to it a few years before.  When my mom first explained clean eating to me back in ~2012, my reaction was, "Why would anyone ever want to do that?!?  Why would you EVER give up the convenience of processed food?!"

Of course, back then, it also hadn't occurred to me that there is a whole lot of crap in processed food that is not real food.  I just assumed that food was food.

It's not.

So, you might be wondering...

Why did I get interested in clean eating at this time?!?

While our eating habits had improved from a few years before, my hubby and I still wanted to eat healthier, especially at home.  The only problem was that I didn't know exactly what that should look like for my family.  I was still a bit confused as to what exactly makes something "healthy" and what exactly a healthy diet "should" look like.

So, in an attempt to educate myself, I started doing a bit of online research about different diets I'd seen others posting about online.  Ultimately, I was trying to figure out what was involved with the different diets and what would be best for our family.  I had read some about the benefits of clean eating and it intrigued me.  I started Googling it and trying to learn more about it.

As part of this process, I stumbled on the 100 Days of Real Food website, which is still one of my favorite clean eating websites.  I was delighted to discover that she had a free 14-week mini-pledge program starting the beginning of January 2015 (no longer free, unfortunately).  I signed up, and that is how I got my baby steps start into clean eating.  My husband was a little worried at first that eating clean would mean food would no longer taste good...thankfully that has not been the case!  He has commented many times how happy he is that we got into clean eating because "it just feels good."  Amen to that!

July 2015
I started to lose some weight after I got into clean eating, though I wasn't really tracking my weight that closely.  Instead of having an average weight in the low-160s, my average weight was in the low-150s.  That's about where I was in the picture to the right.  And it was great!  At this point in time, I had convinced myself that this was the lowest attainable weight for me and that my body was where it was meant to be.  I still didn't think Google's target weight of 145 was possible, and any motivation to make changes was, again, rooted in my desire to live a healthier lifestyle and take better care of my body.

Deciding to Take on the Beachbody Challenge

About a month after that last picture was taken, in August 2015, I was talking to my sister-in-law when she mentioned she had bought the 21 Day Fix.  I had seen hype about 21 Day Fix on Facebook and really didn't know that much about it.

I've always admired my sister-in-law when it comes to fitness and how active she is, so the fact that she had bought the 21 Day Fix gave it a lot of credibility in my mind.  I was intrigued and wanted to learn more about it.  Up until this time, I had put living an active lifestyle on the back burner, but it was still something I thought about often and eventually wanted to be better with.  I thought maybe if I did what she was doing, I'd be able to stick with it better.  Once again, I found myself looking for accountability and support when it came to health and fitness.

Prior to this discussion with my sister-in-law, I'd seen Afton Anderson, an Independent Team Beachbody Coach, posting about 21 Day Fix on Facebook, so I reached out to ask her more about it.  She told me all about the 21 Day Fix and also about Shakeology.  She let me know that I could order the two of them together in what is called a challenge pack and then I could join her challenge group that started on August 17th.  Purchasing a challenge pack was a requirement to be able to join this particular challenge group.

This video does a great job of summarizing what I learned:

In all honesty, I wasn't so sure I wanted to get a challenge pack after discovering the cost, and I was pretty skeptical about whether or not a challenge group was something I wanted to do or something that would be worth my time.  I didn't fully understand what a challenge group was or how it would add value to my life.  I also had concerns that I would spend all that money on a challenge pack and then not actually do it.  But, the challenge group that was starting had a $140 cash prize and there was a 30-day money back guarantee...so I decided...what do I have to lose?  I could win most of my money back and be more active!  Or I could return it if I didn't like it or if I didn't get results.  It seemed like a win-win situation.  I took the weekend to think about it and then decided I was in.

Once I'd made my decision to go all in, Afton let me know that I could sign up as a discount coach at the same time as when I bought the challenge pack - the sign-up fee of $40 would be waived if I signed up at the same time I bought the challenge pack.  I could cancel at any time, and would have no obligations as a coach besides a ~$17 monthly business services fee (no charge for 30 days).  I'd also get 25% off on all future purchases, which would be worth it especially if I continued Shakeology (I'd save over $100 a year if I continued with the Shakeology).  I had 30 days from when I purchased a challenge pack to sign-up as a discount coach in order to get the $40 fee waived, so I could sign-up later if I wasn't ready to sign-up then.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do at first.  I was pretty sure I didn't want to continue with Shakeology past 30 days, but since there was no risk / no obligation for signing up, I decided to do it and save myself paperwork later in the off chance I decided I wanted to continue the Shakeology.  If I decided not to continue, it wouldn't be a big deal to cancel the discount coach account and the Shakeology at the same time.  And so, I became a discount coach.

The Challenge Begins

The next day, the challenge group began.  It was going to be about 7 business days before my Shakeology and 21 Day Fix would arrive, but I was still able to participate in the group because I could access the workouts through Beachbody On Demand free for 30 days.

The first week of the challenge group was pre-season - no points earned towards the cash prize - so I wasn't as serious about doing everything I was supposed to do.  I don't think I even participated in the group the first day.  But I decided I should probably start practicing day 2 if I truly wanted to win the prize.  Once the challenge began, points were earned by posting a workout pic, posting something clean you ate/recipe, and rating your day.

I decided to try out new programs through Beachbody On Demand during the week while waiting for my package to arrive.  I actually ended up doing random programs throughout the entire group because I wanted to make the best of my free trial, and then focused on doing just 21 Day Fix a couple months later.

One of the first workouts I decided to try out was CIZE.  I'd heard a lot about CIZE and wondered what all they hype was about.  So I clicked on it.

30 minutes?!?

Oh man, anything past 20 minutes about gave me seizures.  Ha!

But I was determined to try something new.  So, I got ready to workout and I pushed play.

It was awesome!!

I couldn't believe how much I ENJOYED doing it and how fast the 30 minutes went by!!  I couldn't believe the time was up when it was done.

And I had FUN working out?!?  Say what?

The previous picture was my FIRST workout post in the challenge group...and the FIRST workout EVER that I actually enjoyed!  This was huge, and helped me get more excited about the group.

I can't tell you how many times I did that very same workout during those 5 weeks - I LOVED it!  Whenever I didn't feel like working out, CIZE Crazy 8's saved the day for me.

Here are just a few of my CIZE sweaty workout pics from that first challenge group:

Can you tell I liked CIZE?  Ha!!  But I tried other programs as well!  My next favorite find was PiYo.

Over the course of the 5 weeks, I gave the group my all and did the best I could.  I tightened up my nutrition, did a Beachbody workout 6 days a week, and showed up in the group for accountability EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  It wasn't always easy...in fact, most days it was really hard!!  I had a lot of lower back issues I had to deal with, and I was going through my second miscarriage for most of the group...but I did it, and I was one of the winners to split the prize money!!  The only downside from a prize perspective is that there were 6 winners...but it was still worth it.  ;)  You can read about my physical results from the group in the next section.  :)

I loved the first challenge group so much I decided to roll into the next group.  I kept trying out Beachbody on Demand and found another favorite workout - T25!   It was so fun to discover that there were all these workout programs out there all this time that I could have been enjoying but just didn't know they existed!  When I thought of Beachbody previously, I thought of the P90 series and I thought that's pretty much all there was.  My hubby and I had P90X and didn't love it.  Workouts were too long or too slow for either of us to stick with it.  Little did I know there were literally hundreds of other options to choose from!  For my nutrition, I continued to follow the 21 Day Fix eating plan, known as Portion Fix, and still aim to eat that way most of the time.  I LOVE it.  It makes it so easy for me to get the right amount and balance of all the food groups throughout the day and just really simplifies it for me.

Throughout these challenge groups, I continued to experience lower back issues.  It actually got more serious with time, though pain intensity varied.  My back was messed up from my first pregnancy, and my miscarriages aggravated my condition.  Working out was like a catch 22 - I needed to workout to strengthen my core and help my back improve, but working out aggravated my back issues at times.

There were days when I was in so much pain I could barely walk (lots of days limping)...days when I would nearly get stranded on the floor when picking up toys because it hurt too much to try and stand...days when I couldn't get in and out of bed by myself...days when I found myself crying in the chiropractor's office because of the pain from being adjusted...days when I wondered if I'd ever be able to walk normally or run again.  It's crazy to think back now about just how bad my back was at times.  I started seeing a chiropractor in mid-October 2015, and I had over 20 appointments I'd gone to by the end of the year!!  But it has paid off.  I'm happy to report that after months of consistently working out and seeing the chiropractor, my back issues are nearly gone!!

My Beachbody Results

September 2015
It's funny how things work out sometimes.  I joined that first challenge group in hopes of becoming more active and winning a prize...I hadn't even considered that I might lose weight...because I didn't even think I had weight to lose.

So...the results I got?!?

STILL blow my mind.

I look at the bottom two pictures in the collage at the beginning of this post and can't believe there is only 2 months difference between them!

About 3 weeks into the challenge group, people were commenting on how much weight I had lost and how good I was looking.

Similar to my previous experience (when someone asked if I was pregnant when I wasn't), I was shocked into awareness...only this time with excitement!

I lost 8 pounds in one month, hit that 145 pound target weight I thought was impossible after a month and half, and lost ~15 pounds and 10 total inches by the 3-month mark.

December 2015
I was pretty happy with where I was at the 3-month mark, but continued to experience changes in my body.  By New Year's, I was down 2 pant sizes!! From a size 8...to a size 4. Which, by the way, is the smallest pant size I've ever been in my entire adult life. Currently, I'm about 135 pounds.

More importantly than my physical results, though, is the fact that I've improved my mental health and managed to keep up with this active lifestyle for almost 9 months now!!  That's far longer than my track record with anything else I've ever tried, and it makes me so incredibly happy to have found something that works for me.  Have I been perfect with my fitness and nutrition?  NO!!  But I always manage to get back on track and keep going, which is the most important thing!

Becoming an Active Independent Team Beachbody Coach

I was so excited about the results I got with Beachbody that I decided to become an active coach!! This is mind blowing in and of itself, because that is the LAST thing I would have ever thought I would want to be when I "grew up."  It's just not a career choice I would have ever even considered on my own.  On top of that, I wasn't even looking to "work" while raising kids.  I was pretty happy as a stay-at-home mom, and family was and is my first priority.

But here's the thing...I am in the BEST shape of my life thanks to Beachbody. I have more energy than ever before. I feel healthy and hydrated. I'm stronger, and I've managed to almost completely get rid of the nearly incapacitating back issues I had previously. And my mind?? It's in the best shape it's ever been in, too. ;)  I'm a better wife and mom because of my involvement with Beachbody.

And so, I am an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.  I do it for myself, and I do it to help others.  I run free groups as well as fitness challenge groups and I love it.  I love what Beachbody has done for me.  I had no idea what a difference the support and motivation from that challenge group and from other Beachbody coaches would do for me.  I never thought I could "like" working out or go from working out 0 days a week to working out 4-6 days a week consistently for months.  Even with BBM and the support group I was in, I never made it more than a month or so into the challenge.  I always gave up and quit.  I just didn't have the willpower, the motivation, or the support I needed to keep going.  Beachbody has given me that, and for that, I will forever be grateful.  I want to pay it forward and help as many people as possible achieve those same kinds of results in their life.

Here for You!

If there is anything you take away from my story...I hope it is that even small changes in your lifestyle, done CONSISTENTLY over time, can make a huge difference.  You can take baby steps toward your goals!!  And as long as you keep searching for whatever it is that you are looking for...you will find it.  The trick is never giving up.

I believe life is meant to be enjoyed...and that life can be more fully enjoyed when we don't feel sluggish, tired, and sick all the time.  

I know how hard it can be...
  • when you feel so out of place with health and fitness that you just don't even know where to begin...
  • when you want to take care of your body and have more energy, but you just don't feel like you have the time...
  • when you "want" to exercise in theory but HATE it in actuality...
  • when you just can't seem to continue with anything health and fitness related that you start...
  • when you don't want to spend so much as a penny on anything health and fitness because it just doesn't feel like it will be worth it...
  • when it's JUST. SO. HARD. 

I know this...because I've been there.  I know it's not easy, and I know the struggle is real.  And I know I couldn't have made it as far as I've come without the help of others.

I will be forever grateful to key players in my health and fitness journey - my mom, Connie Lancaster, my husband, Kelsey Shugart, Bikini Body Mommy, 100 Days of Real Food, New Directions Chiropractic, Team Beachbody, Afton Anderson, Kaycee Leishman, Missy Reber, and anyone else who has ever participated in a challenge group with me or otherwise supported and encouraged me along the way.

My hope is that if you ever need a little accountability or support...if you ever find yourself hungry for change...that you will reach out to me and see if Beachbody can do for you what it has done for me.  Beachbody is a wonderful opportunity to improve the quality of your life and help you get results.  It has done that for me, and I know it can do that for you, too.  My passion is in helping others succeed in reaching their goals...my passion is in helping you get results!

Truth...it's not a quick fix and you do have to put in the work...merely joining a challenge group is not going to magically give you results...but one of the reasons why I love Beachbody is because they only care about getting people results.  If you don't get results or if you don't like the product, you can return it within the specified time frame and get your money back.  Or even try workouts out for free before you buy them!

And of course...please know that I'm always happy to help answer your questions and serve you in any way I can!!  You know where to find me...message me on Facebook or shoot me an e-mail!

I believe in you.


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